656 251.74.60

Handling and maintenance of returnable containers

We offer reusable container handling and maintenance systems with extended life cycles.

Are you ready to discover the benefits of a returnable supply of packaging materials?

Our operations cover the original manufacture of the container, the chain of supply and its recovery, repair, cleaning and storage until it returns to the supply LOOP.

ICS VMI Group’s returnable containers

ICS VMI Group has the ability to manufacture and supply specific containers in materials: HDPE, polypropylene, cardboard and coated special papers that meet all customer requirements.


This service may exist in internal use mode at the plant site or for handling, storage, selection and packaging in national or international deliveries between the client and its suppliers, or delivered to the final customer.

The benefits that can be obtained through reusable containers include:

  • Better quality and resistance of materials.
  • Reduction of transportation costs; Storage, repair and cleaning.
  • Impermeability.
  • Meets environmental improvement objectives.
  • Lightweight structure, collapsible and innovative designs
  • Substantial savings compared to disposable (expendable) or single-use packaging.

The ICS VMI Group’s returnable management program provides a unique element within the packaging manufacturing industry, we provide a complete solution that goes hand in hand with the maintenance of materials to reinforce their life span. Our quality standards and trajectory has allowed us to have specialized facilities and machinery of high capacities to extend the useful period of your packaging.

Returnable Program:

The operations include a thorough cleaning process in returnable containers to incorporate them back into your supply chain, such as:

  • Manage cleaning, labeling and repair.
  • Provide transportation, trailer rental and inventory control.
  • Automatic replenishment according to the agreed minimum and maximum levels.
  • Temporary emergency supply of alternative containers to cover the unexpected use of the containers.
  • Handling of all proper customs declarations on both sides of the border
  • Turnkey solution handling all aspects of supply and recouping of cases

Learn about the cost and time savings of our complete solution for handling the returnable packaging process.