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The aeronautical sector continues to grow in Mexico. According to the Mexican Federation of the Aerospace Industry (FEMIA), Mexican exports in the sector have reached a value close to 8,500 million dollars, 12% more than in previous years. The forecast of FEMIA is that Mexico will be among the most important countries in the industry at international level, with exports for more than 12,000 million dollars, more than 110,000 jobs and a 22% surplus in the trade balance.

Data from the Ministry of the Economy indicate that Mexico’s aerospace industry exports are divided as follows: around 80% is destined for the United States, Canada 4.7%, France 3.5%, Germany 3.2% and others 7.9%

In ICS VMI Group we have experts in optimizing processes and guaranteed supply with the assembly of specialized kits for aircraft. Our capabilities represent significant savings in logistics and warehouse space. The results are operational efficiency and better use of inventories.

ICS VMI Group’s Aerospace Packaging Solutions

  • Foam
  • Corners
  • Cardboard boxes
  • Corrugated cardboard packaging
  • Pallets

Value services:

  • Logistics.
  • VMI and JIT.